Manifesting a Meaningful Mission
Rebecca Cook, Founder, Bare Love Beauty
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3 Questions with Rebecca
Do you have specific rituals for re-setting your team to be creative?
I do a lot of research myself. This consists of reading and keeping myself acquainted with beauty products. In terms of beauty, I refocus on things I want to improve on personally. For instance, I think about aging and the time constraints of motherhood. It gives me inspiration to look at new ways to expand, develop and fill voids in the market.
What is the biggest challenge you face when innovating?
From a business standpoint, a lot of people are aware that the beauty industry is over-saturated and the challenge is to garner exposure, differentiate yourself from competitors and attract an audience. On the other hand, when it comes to chemistry, it is important to make sure you are staying ahead of the curve in terms of technological developments and ingredients while remaining true to your vision.
Looking to the future, how is Bare Love Beauty going to be a leader in innovation?
The most vital point is going to be staying true to our mission and offer women a simple beauty practice. Using oils as a part of a beauty regime has been around for decades and it is important to build on this practice and expand into other areas by incorporating our Oliolove™ Technology.
References: barelovebeauty
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