Overcoming Fear of Failure to Supercharge a Brand
In the modern economy, taking risks in business is a straightforward approach that can yield powerful results, which is why overcoming fear of failure is a necessary step in the grand scheme to move towards collective success. There are a variety of reasons for a brand to have reservations when it comes to taking risks: high failure rate, dependency on tried-and-true methods and a keen attitude towards tradition. However, taking the first step out of one’s comfort zone to try something new is a risk that can take a brand from ordinary to extraordinary.
The global economy remains a little shaky and many companies feel the need to test the waters before taking a dive into unchartered territory. However, we’re seeing a different kind of confidence that’s coming through from this uncertainty, which is encouraging individuals and brands to take unexpected steps rather than shy away from the challenge. Trend Hunter’s PRO Trend Promoting Career Change details how the advertising world is adapting to those left rather shaken by a radical economic climate the world over. Career change is being shown in a different light as being hopeful and an optimistic chance at a new start, which is encouraging more brands to take steps in different directions to garner attention despite it being risky.
For smaller businesses and startups, overcoming fear of failure can be difficult; according to a University of Tennessee study, 25% of businesses will fail within the first year with that figure climbing to 55% by year five. These numbers don’t necessarily breed confidence, but there are a variety of means today – more than ever before – to offer help along the way. Trend Hunter’s PRO Trend Crowdsourced Entrepreneurship details the ways small businesses are able to use 21st century methods to connect with more professionals and consumers than ever before to help supercharge an approach that’s savvy, straightforward and gets results.
Overcoming fear of failure is a tough feat in itself, which is where Trend Hunter’s Business Trend Report can come in handy for detailing the latest innovations on a global scale to help brands understand the work at play to finely tune individual approach.
The global economy remains a little shaky and many companies feel the need to test the waters before taking a dive into unchartered territory. However, we’re seeing a different kind of confidence that’s coming through from this uncertainty, which is encouraging individuals and brands to take unexpected steps rather than shy away from the challenge. Trend Hunter’s PRO Trend Promoting Career Change details how the advertising world is adapting to those left rather shaken by a radical economic climate the world over. Career change is being shown in a different light as being hopeful and an optimistic chance at a new start, which is encouraging more brands to take steps in different directions to garner attention despite it being risky.
For smaller businesses and startups, overcoming fear of failure can be difficult; according to a University of Tennessee study, 25% of businesses will fail within the first year with that figure climbing to 55% by year five. These numbers don’t necessarily breed confidence, but there are a variety of means today – more than ever before – to offer help along the way. Trend Hunter’s PRO Trend Crowdsourced Entrepreneurship details the ways small businesses are able to use 21st century methods to connect with more professionals and consumers than ever before to help supercharge an approach that’s savvy, straightforward and gets results.
Overcoming fear of failure is a tough feat in itself, which is where Trend Hunter’s Business Trend Report can come in handy for detailing the latest innovations on a global scale to help brands understand the work at play to finely tune individual approach.
References: trendreports