Why Instagram Marketing is the Future of Advertising
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Interactive, Marketing, Mobile, Photography, Pop Culture, Retail, Social Media, TechWhen it comes to the advertising experience, visual stimulation and social media utilization are key, which is why Instagram marketing is an effective way to stay ahead of the curve. Within the past year, Instagram has seen exponential growth in terms of users as well as the way that it has become socially integrated into society. The picture-sharing interface is a virtual playground where users connect with each other, ‘like’ and comment on favorite snaps; the experience effectively creates a visual timeline of a person’s life.
At a relatively fast pace, some companies have taken the Instagram obsession in stride by creating imitator photo apps like Coca-Cola’s ‘Happy Places’ that allows users to post their favorite experiences and hashtag them accordingly. A separate app is an innovative approach, but integrating into the Instagram network itself might be a more effective way to market on social media.
Creating an account, building a following and posting consistent updates on Instagram won’t simply help expand a brand, but also keep in close contact with trendsetters around the globe. In essence, a company can keep a pulse on the network to stay updated on the most influential users and learn efficient ways to market products in their direction. The liking system can act as a novel form of product review to gage whether or not a product would be well-received on the market. Trend Hunter’s PRO Trend Pinned Promotion discusses the relationship between Pinterest promotion and product sales, which comes up with directly correlated, positive results. As such, Instagram marketing could have big prospects for effectively tapping into yet another layer of the social media world.
Trend Hunter’s Social Media Trend Report details techniques to getting more involved on social media networks and examples of how other industry players are doing so with fantastic results.
At a relatively fast pace, some companies have taken the Instagram obsession in stride by creating imitator photo apps like Coca-Cola’s ‘Happy Places’ that allows users to post their favorite experiences and hashtag them accordingly. A separate app is an innovative approach, but integrating into the Instagram network itself might be a more effective way to market on social media.
Creating an account, building a following and posting consistent updates on Instagram won’t simply help expand a brand, but also keep in close contact with trendsetters around the globe. In essence, a company can keep a pulse on the network to stay updated on the most influential users and learn efficient ways to market products in their direction. The liking system can act as a novel form of product review to gage whether or not a product would be well-received on the market. Trend Hunter’s PRO Trend Pinned Promotion discusses the relationship between Pinterest promotion and product sales, which comes up with directly correlated, positive results. As such, Instagram marketing could have big prospects for effectively tapping into yet another layer of the social media world.
Trend Hunter’s Social Media Trend Report details techniques to getting more involved on social media networks and examples of how other industry players are doing so with fantastic results.
References: trendreports