Infotainment: The Power of Infographic Marketing
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Art & Design, Design, Education, Food, Health, Internet, Leaders, Pop Culture, Social Media, TechThough classic approaches to advertising are certainly here to stay, new forms, like infographic marketing, are starting to gain traction. Novel and able to provide extra value to readers, infographics are an opportunity not to be ignored.
The beauty of using infographics as a means of advertisement is that it's a more affordable way to spread a viral message about your company. Design production costs are far more reasonable than production costs for producing a television commercial or something similarly more traditional, and when executed with tact, can be a powerful tool. Marketing this content can be done for next to nothing, as they tend to spread through social media and can be hosted for free on infographic sites.
Another benefit of infographic marketing is that infographics can be highly useful for those that enjoy them. Chock full of information, which is displayed in interesting ways, consumers respond positively to these often intriguing pieces. The compact but fact-filled nature of infographics makes them very popular on social media. Able to spread widely across platforms, these pieces can reach a surprising amount of people, particularly when they're branded properly and designed to be high quality and interesting to readers.
One thing to keep in mind when designing an infographic is that it should be strongly related to your brand and take advantage of the marketing opportunity it presents. There's a balance that's necessary when it comes to this type of content, and the vague layout allows brands to fit their message into a piece in a way that can drive consumer action. Be sure to include your logo somewhere on the piece, and if possible, choose a topic that's related to what your company does.
For more information on how leading companies are tackling new ways to spread their message, be sure to check out Trend Hunter's Marketing Trend Report.
The beauty of using infographics as a means of advertisement is that it's a more affordable way to spread a viral message about your company. Design production costs are far more reasonable than production costs for producing a television commercial or something similarly more traditional, and when executed with tact, can be a powerful tool. Marketing this content can be done for next to nothing, as they tend to spread through social media and can be hosted for free on infographic sites.
Another benefit of infographic marketing is that infographics can be highly useful for those that enjoy them. Chock full of information, which is displayed in interesting ways, consumers respond positively to these often intriguing pieces. The compact but fact-filled nature of infographics makes them very popular on social media. Able to spread widely across platforms, these pieces can reach a surprising amount of people, particularly when they're branded properly and designed to be high quality and interesting to readers.
One thing to keep in mind when designing an infographic is that it should be strongly related to your brand and take advantage of the marketing opportunity it presents. There's a balance that's necessary when it comes to this type of content, and the vague layout allows brands to fit their message into a piece in a way that can drive consumer action. Be sure to include your logo somewhere on the piece, and if possible, choose a topic that's related to what your company does.
For more information on how leading companies are tackling new ways to spread their message, be sure to check out Trend Hunter's Marketing Trend Report.
References: trendreports