Games Trend Report
With 907 Hyperlinked Examples!
Get a Custom Version of the Games Trend Report
Our Games Trend Report provides insight into the gaming industry. Video games have a solid position within pop culture, and often produce the most fiercely loyal of consumers. Our report includes video game trends and knowledge unknown by even the most avid of video game players.Who Games Market Research is For
Research within this report will benefit gaming companies as big as Nintendo, as well as smaller brands hoping to create the next Xbox, PlayStation or Wii. It is ideal for new companies looking to infiltrate the video game industry, or marketers attempting to capture the one-dimensional focus of extreme gamers. Whether your company’s interest lies in online games or console video games, the Games Trend Report is an important tool for gaining knowledge and insight into the gaming industry. Take advantage of our crowdsourced research to innovate and uncover new possibilities to capture market share from your competitors.Other Sample Topics: Simulation, Light Technology, Tracking Technology, App Development, Mobile Security, Fashion App, Voice-Activated Tech, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Texting, Voice Control, Sharing Culture, Finance Tracking, Home Robot, Minimalist Tech, Smart Product, Cloud Technology, E-mail, High-Tech Payment, [More]
Get Fast, Cost-Effective Custom Games Research...
For as little as $500 per custom deep dive, our team leverages insight from 100,000,000 people to curate you a custom Games report that takes into account your project, customer segments and research needs. You will save time and effort while increasing the rigor of your research. Each custom report is roughly 70 pages with 300 examples, including high level insights, the competitive landscape and specific examples.Click here to learn more
Sample Games Market Research Report
Our Games research includes hundreds of examples and Crowdsourced Consumer Insight®, hyperlinked to additional content on Trend Hunter, the world's #1 largest, most popular trend platform.Here's why hundreds of the world's most powerful brands rely on our custom service...
Key Use Cases
• Inspire New Products & Services - Get custom reports on your topics• Predict, Monitor & Validate - Dive into consumer insights in your specific niche
• Track Key Segments - Monitor markets, competitors, opportunities & threats
• Improve Projects - Enhance pitches, campaigns, launches and specific tactics
• Save Time, Effort & Money - Get inspiring, visual presentations for your meetings

Market Research Methodology
Step 1. You contact us to let us know your needs.
Step 2. Your dedicated researcher begins by consulting with you on the topic goals, desired depth, breadth and style of report or presentation you require.
Step 3. We start researching using the world's #1 trend report platform. With specialized tools, over 300,000 ideas and insight from 100,000,000 people, we extract 95% of the steps and costs associated with custom research. Your 50 - 100 page PowerPoint trend report can be created in as little as a day (although a week is ideal).
Need More? If you want to convert trend report insights into action, ask about our Innovation Accelerator run by our CEO, a NY Times Bestselling strategist and top keynote speaker on innovation.
Why wait? contact us now.
Games Report Contents
- 15 Games Consumer Insights from this year with 75 examples = 15 PowerPoint pages
- 162 Games Consumer Insights in the full archive with 907 Games examples = 162 PowerPoint pages

BONUS: Full Access to Our Trend Report Library
- 80+ categories of premium trend reports
- 355 pages of Consumer Insights from this year with 1,577 examples
- 10,904+ pages of Consumer Insights in the full archive with 62,191 examples
- Includes reports in: marketing, lifestyle, technology, culture, luxury, design, fashion, eco and more.
- Special tools and premium access to the world's #1 trend platform, updated hourly